N4safe Report #14  September, 2023

Dear N4safe Petition Signer and Supporter:

Thanks to your ongoing opposition letters, emails, phone calls, reporting, presentations to City Council, and petitions from the N4S (1000 members and growing), outreach/letters from N4S attorney, and financial contributions, today n4safe volunteers can report a major successread on

This email will also provide further reporting on another ongoing, critical effort by N4S volunteers. 

1.  Winkler Lot – proposed NW Natio Safe Rest Village (SRV) put to rest thanks to your support, signing the petition and sending emails, calling and informing elected officals.  Thank you.

2.  Harbor of Hope River District Navigation Center Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA) ENFORCEMENT and LEASE RENEWAL.

Proposed NW Naito Safe Rest Village on the Winkler lot: 

The City has officially stopped all activity on the NW Naito property that was proposed as a Safe Rest Village. N4safe volunteers received notification from a Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) public records request indicating the City has withdrawn applications to have DEQ review the mitigation requirements for the lot. No further action or notices have been received. This is confirmed by the owner of the lot.

Please note: The Winkler lot lease to the city expires in 2025. (see attached Portland City communication obtained from Public Records Requests)

Update on Critical Next Steps: 

• Completed: DEQ outreach and requests for current status of the Winkler lot.

• Completed: Oregon Public Records (OPR) requests for any info pertaining to status of Winkler lot.

 IN Process: Legal review of Ground Lease (between Winkler and the city for the SRV) and Settlement Agreement (between Winkler and DEQ)— requirements of potential renewal, limitations and


• Completed: Outreach to Winkler Development Corp

Oregon Harbor of Hope River District Navigation Center (HOH): 

* Since the HOH inception almost 5 years ago, only 6.5 weeks have been documented as encampment free. Violations of GNA continue daily.

• WFP residents and other N4S volunteers are actively engaged in reporting violations and cleaning up the area within the 1000 foot buffer zone.

• Ongoing failures of GNA and ongoing leadership/management by HOH and Transition Projects (Exec Dir, Joy Jones is out in less than one year).

• HOH lease expires soon (12/31/23). Efforts are underway by HOH to renew lease with Prosper Portland which N4S to halt the lease renewal in accordance with the master lease and sublease. 

Critical Next Steps:

• IN Process: Legal review of HOH Lease with Prosper Portland, requirements and limitations to renew, and litigation options.

• IN Process: DEQ outreach and requests for status based on remediation requirements outlined in lease and expiration date of lease. (see attached letter)

• Completed – Documents are still be received and reviewed:  Oregon Public Records (OPR) requests for any communication regarding HOH lease renewal.

*  New GO FUND ME page. click here to help n4safe volunteers today.

Why your help matters:

In order to continue the N4S successes, N4S volunteers are asking you to make a contribution for the necessary ongoing priorities – the important legal reviews, costs associated with DEQ and OPR requests, ongoing registered mailings to political leaders and others, and website updates for improved outreach.

The attorney services allow N4S to have the legal expertise necessary to understand and take the most effective steps to halt the SRV for good and any other shelter the city might be considering for the Winkler lot. In addition, it’s imperative N4S understand and take the necessary steps to block the HOH lease renewal.

 N4S continues to be frugal, relying on dedicated volunteers and pro bono work in many areas.

There is only about $1,000 left in the account from the first fundraising outreach over a year ago. In order to proceed, the goal is to have $25,000 in the account to pay for all the next round of critical steps.

Please join us in making your first or second contribution and n4safe volunteers will continue to fight for our residents and neighborhood. WFP resident Donn Potter is reconciling and keeping independent records of the account (thank you Donn).  Please let n4safe know if you want more financial informaton.

Please click here to make a n4safe contribution via GO Fund Me TODAY. 

Many thanks in advance for your support and financial contributions. 

-The Volunteers at N4safe

Below are links to documents on this site that provide information on relevant government policy, updates and actions by N4Safe, as well as responses from governemt officials.


House Bill 3115

HB 3115 Witness 1st House Committee

HB 3115 Senate Staff Report

HB 3115 Staff Analysis

HB 3115 Fiscal Impact




N4Safe Letter to Mayor and Commissioners March 14,2023 PDF

N4Safe Letter Transmittal March 28, 2023 PDF

N4Safe Letter to Editor of Portland Tribune March 30, 2023 PDF

N4Safe Letter to Childpeace Montessori School March 31, 2023 PDF








